Severe brain fog
Severe brain fog

severe brain fog

I think I'll try some iron supplements and see if that will help (Note, my CBC was normal, so I'm not anemic or anything). One thing of note on my blood test was the iron level, mine showed 52 ug/L which isn't really all that low, but it's also not in the optimal range. I definitely think my anxiety is contributing to some degree, but it also seems like something else is going on, although I could be wrong. I have not yet done a Lyme test as apparently all the tests here in Canada are very unreliable/inaccurate and all tests outside of Canada are quite expensive, I'll probably leave this as a last resort. I've had countless tests done ( Blood tests, CT Scan, MRI) and all were clear. Thanks for commenting, It's comforting to know I'm not alone on this. The worst of these is the Brain fog, Dizziness, and Body weakness (as they seem to affect me the most in life) and are also the ones that have persisted most since the start of these symptoms (about 5-6 weeks ago).ĭoes anyone else have these symptoms with their anxiety? Or could this perhaps be something else?

  • Get numb easier and have tingling in hands and feet at times.
  • Vision issues (seems jittery/shaky and random bright spots).
  • Insomnia (trouble either falling asleep or randomly waking up at night).
  • Chills and random sweats and night sweats.
  • Neck stiffness/weakness/soreness making it seem like I can barely support my head.
  • This has prevented me from being able to jog and go on long walks now too

    #Severe brain fog full#

    Full body weakness (more prominent on left side) with muscle twitches, trembling, stiffness, and soreness.Dizziness/unstableness (feeling like I'm swaying when walking, especially bad after extended walks).Brain fog and very bad short term memory.I've had many symptoms coming and going during this time while some persisted/got worse.Īt this point I feel like I either have ALS, lyme disease, depression/anxiety, or some serious neurological disease. I'm basically convinced I have some serious neurological disease like ALS or something else, I'm just getting really tired of all this. Now my neck muscles have also started to feel weak/sore. I've also noticed my muscles started to feel weak/fatigued, more notable on the left side (leg and arm). I then went to a Naturopath who had me do some more blood tests and am also waiting to see a neurologist. The MRI came back clear and everyone else said they couldn't find anything wrong with me.

    severe brain fog

    I went to the walk-in clinic several times, had a head MRI done, and went to a massage therapist and Chiropractor. At this point I was convinced I had sCJD and I was going to die soon.

    severe brain fog

    Then I had some other symptoms show up like brain fog, burning feeling in feet/hands, and like I wasn't really there. They did blood tests and a CT Scan which all came back perfectly fine. I got severe anxiety believing I had a brain tumor or something similar, so I went to the ER. A couple weeks ago I (23M) had a partially numb area on my upper right thigh, shortly after that I started to get dizzy, nauseous, and have a tension headache which is where everything started to go downhill.

    Severe brain fog